Monday, August 24, 2020
The Florida Everglades Essays -- Ecology of Everglades
Presentation Keeping up natural assorted variety is important for the endurance of an organic network. In the United States, American residents are very nearly unavoidably harming one of the nation's generally remarkable and assorted fortunes - the Florida Everglades. This national park is presently the main residual fix of a waterway that used to traverse 120 miles from Lake Okeechobee to the Florida Bay. Dams and levees made by the Army Corps of Engineers in the late 1940's depleted this stream to lessen flooding and increment useable water for the improvement of the locale. This significant redirection of water lead to a stream down impact causing the constant decrease of the natural condition of the Everglades. From that point forward, banters over the Everglades' future have quietly seethed on for quite a long time about how, why, and when the reclamation will start. This progressing, yet basically useless exertion has cost citizens a lot with no clear advantages. As of late, this discussion has been enhanced by the voices of the sugar business in Florida, which was assaulted for its significant commitment to contamination of the Everglades. Presently discusses rage on with another exertion called the Restudy. Upheld by the Army Corps of Engineers, this exertion would change the progression of the Everglades, conceivably reestablishing it into the practical network of life that it used to be. The inquiry currently is, will this most recent endeavor to reestablish the Everglades ever be acknowledged (consequently finishing the cyclic Everglades banter) or will it just signify one more indent on the bedpost of lacking and bombed endeavors to spare this national fortune. The world is watching to perceive how the United States will deal with this exceptional cleanup. The Everglades Defined Here are no elevated pinnacles looking for ... ...Science News, 155, 252-254. Lauber, P. (1973). Everglades Country. New York: The Viking Press. Levin, T. (1998, June/July). Tuning in to natural life in the Everglades. National Wildlife, 36, 20-31. McCally, D. (1999). The Everglades: An Environmental History. Gainsville: University Press of Florida. Myers, V. (1994, December). The Everglades: Researchers adopt another strategy to an old issue. Ocean Frontiers, 40, 15-16. Regaldo, Nanciann. Anticipating South Florida's future: The Central and Southern Florida Project. On the web. National Park Service Homepage. Web. 21 September 1999. Accessible: Reichhardt, T. (1999, February). Everglades plan defective, guarantee scientists. Nature, 397, 462. Richey, W. (1997, August). Sparing Everglades: Who should pay? Christian Science Monitor, 89, 3. Wasserman, H. (1996, December). Consumed Sugar. Country, 263, 6.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Compare and contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 9
Investigate - Essay Example For the third passage, it discusses the examination and differentiation of the structure. The structure is the depiction of what can be found in the painting, for example, the shading, geometric structures, lines, differentiation of dim and light hues. It talks more on the presence of whatever that can be seen inside the work of art. For the last section, it discusses the sentiment of the essayist about the artworks. The artistic creation entitled â€Å"The Last Supper†was initially painted in the fifteenth century by Leonardo da Vinci during the Renaissance time frame. It is a bit of work of art painted legitimately on a divider in Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan with an estimation of 450 by 870 centimeters or 15 feet by 29 feet. Leonardo da Vinci painted the painting on a dry divider which implies that it's anything but a genuine fresco. He fixed the stone divider with a layer of pitch, gesso and mastic at that point paint onto the fixing layer with gum based paint or in a changeless quick drying painting medium comprising of hued color blended in with a water-solvent cover medium. In the year 1518 to 1594, Jacobo Tintoretto painted his own adaptation of â€Å"The Last Supper†in San Giorgo Maggiore, Venice. He painted on oil on solicit with an estimation of 12 feet by 18 feet, 8 inches. The artistic creations painted by da Vinci and Tintoretto are a gathering of individuals in a room especially Jesus Christ and his twelve pupils. In Tintoretto’s painting there are others that can be considered such to be the servers and many flying pictures on the two sides of the top however in da Vinci’s painting just the representations of Jesus and his supporters or missionaries. Both of the canvases depict the response appeared by every witness when Jesus said that one of them would double-cross him. The impact of his words drives them to an obvious reaction. The entirety of the twelve messengers have various responses to the news, with various degrees of outrage and stun. In da Vinci’s painting, he gathered the missionaries into four gatherings of three joined by their stance and motion, with Jesus in
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
7 Better Ways to Answer Why Are You Leaving Your Job
7 Better Ways to Answer Why Are You Leaving Your Job No one stays at a job forever. One way or another, you will have to leave. Retirement, resignation, termination, retrenchmentthe time will come for you to leave your job.For employers, they need to work on ensuring they keep their employees. Especially the good ones. Employee retention is a key pointer to a company’s success.Unless you are retiring or have decided to get into entrepreneurship, you’ll be looking to get another job.Are you ready for your new job?You will meet new people and develop new friendships. You stand a chance of growing in your career. You may experience more personal growth due to the challenges in your new job.There is a lot of good that can come with a new job. As with many things in life though, landing that new job is not automatic. There is a process.You have to go through an interview, or several interviews.Job interviews can prove to be the biggest hurdle in your quest to get a new job. Whereas some questions are normal, expected and quite easy to a nswer, others are just the opposite.The hiring manager, or interviewing panel may ask you some questions which can throw you off balance. These are the kind of questions many candidates dread.Such questions are not necessarily difficult but can surely be challenging. One such questions is, “Why are you leaving your current job?†If your resume shows that you are not currently working, then this question could be framed to be, “Why did you leave your last job?â€Understandably, this question can be a tricky one to answer. If only you could tell the panel, ‘PASS’ and they move on to the next question.WHY ARE YOU LEAVING YOUR JOB?When you think about it, you really have the answer to this question. Don’t you?Yet, the answer is not the problem. The real problem is what your answer makes the panel think of you.It is often said that what you say doesn’t matter.How you say it is what matters.This statement is true.Not only in an interview, but also in your daily relations.For example, if you receive a gift from a friend, you will be expected to say ‘Thank you.’ If you say it with no enthusiasm, the conclusion will be that you did not like the present.There is definitely a reason as to why you are leaving your job. From personal reasons to difficult managers, there will always be something that pushes you to move.Technically speaking, there are three ways of leaving a job. Through retirement, resignation or termination by employer.Retirement comes with age. For you to retire, you will usually have attained a certain age. In many countries, the retirement age is set by the government as part of its policies on employment. If you are looking for a new job, the reason is likely to be either resignation or termination by employer.If you resigned, there was a reason which you gave for your decision. The reason may be the only one or just one you picked and kept others to yourself. For example, you may have had difficulties relating with your boss. You may also have struggled with the work pressures and felt that your efforts were not being recognized. But to keep things simple, you may have preferred to mention only the work pressure.If you were terminated by your employer, you still have a chance with another one. Whatever caused your termination may sound bad but there is always room for corrections.Now that you have been invited to an interview, you are required to make known the reason you are leaving your job. You have the option to give any or all the reasons you have.All the same, it is best to stick to one and avoid discussing your current job too much.This means you need to pick the main reason and keep others away. Remember that honesty is vital.WHY IS IT DIFFICULT TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION?The main reason this question may be difficult is that you don’t know why it is asked.Probably making it worse, it comes at a time you have discussed other things and so it seems like it’s intended to unearth some truth you are hiding .Unless you have been through significant job positions and gone through many interviews, you are understandably nervous.Some job interview questions are tough and can make you very uneasy. This makes you want to quickly get to the end of the interview and perform well. If you perform well, then you get the job.Since getting the job is the ultimate goal, you want to ensure everything goes well. Your dressing. Your words. Your posture. Your tone.In the heightened need for perfection, you are likely to make mistakes. Striving not to make mistakes, you want to give the perfect answer.It will be worth noting that the perfect answer does not exist.What you need to do is have the truth and present it properly. It however happens that this does not work out as easy as it sounds.It would be very easy to answer such a question if asked by your best friend. You wouldn’t even have to think about it.But the hiring manager is not your best friend, so you do not know how they think.Moreover, no t only are you facing a stranger, but you also need to make an impression. A good and lasting impression. This is the cause of the difficulty.WHY THIS QUESTION IS ASKEDYou may wonder why you are being asked the reason you’re leaving your job. “What is the relationship between my current job and this one?†you may ask.Well, a lot.Not in the sense that the management in both companies work in similar ways. Or that both companies have the same vision. Or are competitors in the same field.In any case, even when moving from one field to another, you will still meet this question.So what’s the big deal about it?When interviewers ask you this question, they are essentially trying to answer some other questions. There are three main ones which hiring managers need answers to.Are you the best candidate for them?As expected, there are many candidates applying for a position. Yet it is only the best candidate who will get it.This question helps recognize the candidate with the right at titude towards work. Your answer will also reveal what kind of work ethics you have.For example, you may say that there is too much work in your current job. A further question may be asked as to how you handle the situation.If you give an answer such as “I do what I can finish by the end of the day. The rest is for the following day,†then you could set off some alarm bells. Such an answer could be understood to mean that you cannot give some extra time when needed to.Are you an honest person?This is an interesting way of confirming a person’s honesty. It may not be openly evident how it works but it’s quite simple.Through out the interview, you will be asked many questions about yourself. The way you answer this one will either agree with or contradict your other answers.For example, you may have said that you are sociable and freely interact with people. You may then say that you are leaving your job due to inability to work well with colleagues. This shows inconsistency. Or, you may have said that you work well under pressure and can put in more time as required. When responding about leaving your job however, you say that there was too much work.Whereas this is not intended to point out lies, it can do a good job at that.When you contradict yourself, you are simply saying that you are not honest. Who knows what else you could lie about?Will you be happy with the job?Employers are not only keen on ensuring they get the best talent. They also want to ensure their employees love their jobs.This question therefore gives you an opportunity to show your interest in the company. Watch the below video and learn how you can express this interest. When responding to this question, you will not just be giving a reason as an answer. You will essentially be telling the panel about the situation in your current job.They will compare that to the situation around the position you are interviewing for. If they are the same, then there is no need to hire you. If the y do, you will still be unhappy and probably leave sooner than later.Here, the hiring manager is keen on ensuring he has a low employee turnover.Also, the company is seeking to hire someone who will happily embrace all that the position brings. At the end of the day, a happy employee is a productive employee.WHY YOU SHOULD PREPARE FOR THIS QUESTIONPreparation for an interview can never be overstated.Have you ever been asked this question before and were not sure whether your answer was well received? Or did you fumble with words, unsure which reason to give. Did you probably have the answer but could not explain things adequately?It could be disastrous for you when you have the answer but just fail in delivery.Interviews themselves make many people anxious.Whenever you are unsure about anything, then things get worse. The more you try explaining, the easier it is for you to come across as lying.Saying things the right way is not just about the words you use. As important as your cho ice of words is, so is your facial expression and the tone of your voice.You should have the right answer and practice giving it well. This will enable you give a short and clear answer to the question when asked. Not only does this save you anxiety but also shows that you are prepared.Let’s see how to answer this question without inviting additional feelings of nervousness.HOW TO ANSWER THIS QUESTIONWhile in an interview, it is important to remember that the interviewer is out to make a business decision. Therefore, he needs to hire the best.When this question comes up, do not take your mind to your employment. Do not start talking emotionally about the bad working conditions, unfair treatment or similar things.Although these things may be happening, you need to bring out this information in a professional way. Below are some common situations which cause people to leave their jobs in search for a better one.With each situation, there is an answer given as an example of what coul d be used in an interview. These answers are not to be memorized. They are instead supposed to act as guidelines in your specific situation.Go through them with an open mind and implement the ideas in the answers you have.A bad relationship with your bossBosses are human beings and no human being is perfect. Humans are also very different in nature.Apart from that, the work environment has a way of bringing out some character traits in a person that can rub off wrongly with others. This is expected.Many surveys conclude that employees do not leave companies but managers. Some companies have picked this and actively work on their management personnel.If you are leaving your job because of your boss, you can say:I have recently realized that the direction my employer is headed is different from the one I want for my life. This has made it difficult to be on the same page with my employer. I am therefore looking for a job which Ill be able to flow well with. That will make it easier fo r me to be more productive for the company as well as my own career.Too much workThe amount of work you do matters a lot. If it’s too much, it can impact your health and personal life. You may not have time for your family or friends yet these are an important part of you.You should be able to achieve a good work-life balance.If you allocate little time for either work or other aspects of your life, you will actually perform poorly in everything.Working hours differ from country to country as well as between the genders. At some point, there may be more work and your employer can request you to work extra hours.This is subject to compensation agreements. Working extra hours should however not be the norm. If there is too much work to be done, your employer should just hire more staff.If you are leaving your job because the work schedule is not conducive for you, you can say this:Whereas I have always loved my job, the amount of work has been steadily increasing. As a result, I hav e experienced a challenge in balancing between my work and personal life. A good work-life balance will help me be more productive in all aspects of my life. I believe this job will help me achieve the right balance.Seeking a higher payAs you work, you obviously expect to be paid. Your pay should reflect the kind of job you do and the skills you have.Despite how you started, you may have improved your skills thus expect a higher pay. If you are not satisfied with your pay, it is very unlikely that you will be productive at work.Whatever job you do, you will always utilize your knowledge and expertise to move the company forward. The company on the other hand is to pay you accordingly.In some cases, together with the pay, the company implements other forms of benefits. If you are not comfortable with your current pay, the first thing to do is talk to your boss.If there is no solution from that, then you wouldn’t be blamed for seeking to change jobs.You can say this:I have made sign ificant progress in my career and learned new skills. Through these, I have been able to implement cost effective measures in the production process in my job. With the overall effect of higher profits, I feel that my knowledge and skills could attract more value than they currently do. I believe this job will give me the value that reflects my expertise and effort.RelocatingIf you are moving to a different neighborhood, then you will most likely need to change jobs. Working closer to your home has great benefits.This is to ensure you don’t struggle getting to work in the morning or back home in the evening.Whereas you don’t need to mention to the hiring manager the exact reason for relocation, feel free to give this as a reason for leaving your current job. You can say this:My family has moved and getting to my current job is weighing down on me due to the long distance. Despite the joy I have in working in my job, the long commute makes me spend too much time on the road. To a void getting to work late and to get back home in good time, I need to reduce the commute. I look forward to achieving that with this job.Lack of promotionNobody wants to work somewhere they are not being recognized for their efforts. One of the ways you can be recognized for your efforts is through a promotion. Promotions make you happy as you feel appreciated.Promotions are helpful as they enable you move to higher levels in your career.Unfortunately, some companies either don’t promote employees or promote with favoritism. If your job has not provided you with a good growth track, you may feel that it’s time to call it quits. Here is how you can say it:My experience and skill set have enabled me provide solutions at my workplace, including increasing sales during lean times. Im however not progressing in my career despite additional education and several expressions of interest in higher positions. I am hoping this job will give me an opportunity to grow my career further.Cha nge of careerIt is expected that you chose your career path long ago and so you should stick to it. It is however not wrong to change your mind about your career.Changing your career can seem dangerous as you get into a new field. This is nonetheless better than getting stuck in a place which is not right for you.The below video gives you some guidelines when you want to change careers. As it is rightly said, a wise man changes his mind. All the same, your wisdom may be questioned by the interviewer. He may think that you are making the wrong move. Don’t worry though. Everyone starts somewhere.What you need to do is convince your interviewer that this move is the right thing for you. Tell him what motivated your decision and show him how it will benefit his company.This is where you bring in what you learned about the company when researching about it before the interview. To bring this out well, you could say:I have decided to change from engineering to marketing so as to tap int o my passion. I love interacting with people and have always had an easy time communicating ideas. I know that not only will this new career be more natural for me, but I will also enjoy it. When I fill the vacancy you have, you will be able to see the difference Ill bring within a very short period.Your job is boring, no longer challengingThis is a great reason which you can easily turn to your advantage. As with all other answers, you should not be negative at all.Do not start talking about how you sit in the office doing nothing. Don’t say how bored you are to the point of spending half the day on social media. No matter how true this may be, it is not what your interviewer should know. At least not now.A great job should offer optimum growth opportunities. Growth opportunities come in the form of challenges. If you are not getting challenged at work, you are not growing as you should.In giving this reason, show how ambitious and goal-oriented you are. Tell the panel how much y ou like engaging with people to solve problems.Have some examples to use as evidence of what you are saying. Since organizations exist primarily to solve problems, you will stand out among the candidates.Here is how to frame your answer:I have been working in my current job for the past five years and have mustered everything about it. This has made my job less interesting and more routine. Having successfully designed and installed the security systems in use and there is now no challenge to my daily work. I have also enrolled for a specialty course which I will complete by end of summer. Considering the scope of work mentioned in the vacancy, I believe your company will provide me an opportunity for growth.CONCLUSIONYou may be leaving your job for reasons other than the ones listed in this article. Going by our tips, you can learn how to communicate the answer you have. You only need to keep four things in mind and you will stay on top of the situation.Be positive â€" your attitud e can easily show when you speak. If you have any hard feelings against your job, deal with them before the interview. Do not blame anyone or anything for wanting to leave your job.Do not go into too much detail â€" the more you talk, the more you are likely to say something you would rather not have said. Use the tips above to answer this question but don’t explain the situation.Focus on the future â€" you are leaving your job because of some things which happened in the past. Recognize those things as what made you decide to leave and keep your eyes on the future. Your answer should indicate your assurance of a better future. It is in pursuit of this better future that you’re looking for a new job.Direct the conversation back to the interview â€" have some control over the interview. Since you are not dwelling on the past, your answer should bring the focus back to the interview. Do this by including in your answer how your new job will be different. Remember to use informatio n about the company that can back your assurance.As intimidating as this question may sound, it is very possible to answer it well. Look at it differently and you will realize that it’s an opportunity to further ‘sell’ yourself.It’s an opportunity you have been given to say what difference you see your potential employer bringing into your career.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Legalize the Sale of Human Organs - 956 Words
Legalize the Sale of Human Organs Compensation for the donation of human organs should be legalized for medical use. Medical surgeons everywhere are calling the government to have them legalize the sale of organs for transplants; allowing people to sell their organs would help people by meeting their financial expenses, solve the lack of supply, save many lives, and get control of the black market. Compensation for donating bone marrow is legalized, so why not organs? There has been a huge problem in the United States with the lack of organ sales. The waiting list in the United States for all organs was 113,143, with 91,015 waiting for kidneys (Schulman, Miriam.). There are many people’s lives at stake before they can find a suitable†¦show more content†¦This medicine also has really bad side effects such as aches, nausea, bone pain, and extreme fatigue. These effects last up to two days or more. For the donation you will get a catheter in either your vein in your arm or neck. To recover from this ca n take up to two weeks or more, while the recovering time after you donate an organ is usually a minimum of six days. Both of these donations are no riskier than many routine operations, where no questions are ever raised. The donation of bone marrow is just as risky and time consuming as donating an organ, so it should be legal as well. The people waiting for kidneys aren’t dying because of kidney failure; they’re dying because of our failure (Perry, Mark J.). People shouldn’t have to ask just their family or friends to donate them one of their organs, or die waiting until they can get one. Donating an organ can help the people that are in need, but that isn’t enough. The only way to really change the outcome and end all of the waiting lists is to make a legal market for organs, and end the ban on compensation. The human body must think if it’s really worth hundreds of people dying each year from an organ that many of people would have love to saf ely donate withShow MoreRelatedOrgan sale legality Essay1051 Words  | 5 Pages Legalizing the Sale of Human Organs Every 10 minutes, another person is added to the waiting list for an organ transplant. That’s 144 people every day, 52,620 people every year. And every day, 18 people die because there aren’t enough organs to go around. That is 6,570 people dying every year because they have waited too long for an organ transplant [All About Donation]. There has to be some way to prevent these innocent people from dying, and there is a way. Pretend for a moment that you’reRead MoreEssay on Organ Sales1478 Words  | 6 PagesOrgan Sales: Legalize for the Greater Good Every day, numerous people across the world stop their lives for four hours to get hooked up to a dialysis machine at a hospital nearby. 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Although a large number of articles were written, numerous speeches were made, countless meetings were hold to discuss about this matter but until now it is still a big controversy issue all over the world. Thanks to the steadily development of scientist, technology and medicine treatment, nowadays human organ can be transplantedRead MoreOrgan Sales713 Words  | 3 PagesSelling Organs Many people are dying each day because of the lack of organs available. Waiting lists can be as long as 106,000 people. On an average 17 patients in need of transplants die each day. Is this fair to the families or is selling organs a better option? What are the benefits of organ selling and should it be made legal? By legalizing organ selling we would be saving lives. People sell organs on the black market every day; the downfall to this is that the surgeons that removeRead MoreEconomic Analysis Of A Human Organ Market2194 Words  | 9 Pagesof a Human Organ Market Human organs have been transplanted for many years. There are currently 123,940 people waiting for an organ in order to get their transplant. Of that vast number, around 18 people die each day waiting for an organ (â€Å"Why Organ, Eye, and Tissue Donation?†n.d.). There has been some issues with human organ transplants whether it is ethical or not. Another view on transplantation is to create a market for organs. With the increasing number of people in search for an organ in orderRead Moreorgans will save lives911 Words  | 4 PagesWriting Caitlin Pierpoint Summary of Organ Sales Will Save Lives In the essay â€Å"Organ Sales Will Save Lives†by Joanna MacKay, kidney failure is the main topic. In her thesis, MacKay states that, â€Å"Governments should not ban the sale of human organs; they should regulate it (92).†The thesis is supported by one main reason: it will save lives. In America 350,000 people struggle each year from this situation. MacKay also states that with the legal selling of organs, more people will be willing to give
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Key Factors Giving Zara a Competitive Advantage in the Market
Zara owns and manages numerous resources that can be categorized as tangible, intangible or organizational capabilities. The interactions between tangible and intangible resources help create organizational capabilities that provide value to the end consumer. Zara has a large variety of tangible resources due to its international expansion and vertical integration. Zara has 507 stores around the world with a total selling area of 488,400 m ² and €1,050 million of Inditex s capital invested into them. It also owns a 130,000 m ² warehouse in close vicinity to its headquarters in Arteixo, Spain. In order to accommodate the company s initiatives for backward vertical integration, Zara purchased 20 factories that were highly†¦show more content†¦Computers from stores then sent orders to the distribution centre twice per week on a regular basis. Also, there are consumption information systems that track customer preferences to support product life cycle analysis as well as send repeat orders and new designs to internal and external suppliers. Most of the policies, processes and procedures that Zara has in place have been perfected through the company s years of experience in this industry. Zara s organizational capabilities include the processes that turn its tangible and intangible assets into valuable outputs. Its just-in-time inventory system in collaboration with the company s vertical integration has allowed Zara to minimize storage expenses for inventory. Most goods are held in the warehouse for a few hours, with a maximum stay of three days. Vertical integration has helped the company develop shorter cycle times, which in turn allows it to commit to product lines for a season longer than its key competitors. The process of production and merchandising are flexible and unique because risky, new items are first produced in small quantities and tested in a few stores; only if there is a positive response from consumers are they mass produced. This has caused failure rates for products to be a mere 1% and markdowns to be uncommon. Zara ensures thatShow MoreRelatedZar Business Model And Marketing Tactics1308 Words  | 6 PagesNicole Tsenes Professor Wolf April 10, 2015 FM117 OL3 Zara Zara is an international retailer that is continuously growing in popularity due to the store’s trend-sensitive and affordable styles. Inditex, Zara’s distribution group, is one of Spain’s greatest successes in that they have dominated the global market. Their unique business model and marketing tactics have a lot to do with this company’s worldwide success. 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The company’s owner, Amancio Ortega, accumulated 340 million Euros (according to 2001 datas), which is a remarkable growth if compared with other companies. Zara’s brand has become popular because of its quality and efficiency. The secret of Zara is to understand the customer’s need and demands and respondRead MoreZara case operation management3739 Words  | 15 PagesStudy Analysis- Zara ABSTRACT This paper is based on case study on operation management and positioning strategy of Zara, one of the world’s fastest growing manufacturers of fashion clothing. Also a world leading fashion retailer brand of Inditex. The case study outlines how Zara transforms from a local clothing retailer it into a global successful brand. It addresses few components in the case study, such as the products and process control and integrate business model used in Zara. The case alsoRead MoreExpansion of the Spanish Clothing Retailer Zara in5051 Words  | 21 PagesExpansion of the Spanish clothing retailer Zara in India Executive Summary            The main goal of this report is to analyze the environment how Zara wil be marketed and launched in India. Analysis shows that the main problem of the product is to in terms of making the target market know the existence of the product in the country and the competition of the current clothing lines available in the market.            In order to solve such complexities, the solution is to implement strategicRead MoreZara case study Essay2280 Words  | 10 PagesRelevant concepts and theories regarding the role of capacity planning in organizations and demonstrate your ability to utilize relevant information from the case. Case Study 1 – Capacity Planning (1,250 words, due date: 25/11/2013) Identify the key characteristics of fast fashion and discuss how these affect company approaches to capacity planning. How do fast fashion companies ensure that they can meet their demand? How does this approach contribute to Zara’s success? Introduction OverRead MoreSwot Analysis : Business Marketing1758 Words  | 8 Pagesflexible – vertically integrated supply chain †¢ Prime store locations †¢ Quick to react to market trends due to its supply chain design, operation delivery †¢ Produce in smaller patch which reduce mark downs risks– exclusivity positioning †¢ Only 66 stores in UK – could not benefit economy of scale in UK †¢ Product – low margin, high costs †¢ Contracted out 1 warehouse to cope with demand in 2014 †¢ Less commercial – Zara follows fashion but in season where less commercial trends dominate, sales may drop Read MoreZara vs. Uniqlo Essay6859 Words  | 28 Pages   ZARA vs. UNIQLO Team  J:  Bingbing  Ge  Lei  Du  Sophia  Maduka  Salman  Syed  Azim  Thanadol  Boonyaviwat  Tanya  Goel  1    Index Content Page Number Executive Summary†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦... 4 Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 5 Industry Analysis†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦5 Competitive Environment†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.5 Strategic Groups†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...6 ZARA†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Read MoreCase Study of Zara4316 Words  | 17 Pagesï » ¿Zara Marketing Strategy Zara is the oldest, most internationally established company of the Spanish retail group Inditex SA. It is a high-fashion concept offering apparel, footwear and accessories for women, men and children. By focusing on shorter response times, the company ensures that its stores are able to carry clothes that the consumers want at that time. Zara offers its customers a unique mix of affordability, exclusivity and differentiation, as well as creating a unique shopping experienceRead MoreInditex International Expansion2409 Words  | 10 Pagesaddition to Zara, the largest of its retail chains, Inditex has another seven commercial formats: Bershka, Stradivarius, Massimo Dutti, Oysho, Pull and Bear, Skhuaban and Zara Home (all of the targeting different age and disposable income segments). The group also includes more than a hundred companies associated with different textile, manufacturer, infrastructure and distribution businesses†(Inditex 2006 p.2). Inditex is listed since 23 M ay 2001 in the Spanish Stock Exchange with a market value around
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Daily Dairy Free Essays
First day back at placement after Easter Holiday, I greeted children in to class as their parents dropped them in to class in the morning. Straight away children where learning through play. My morning duty was to supervise children and play with them. We will write a custom essay sample on Daily Dairy or any similar topic only for you Order Now There was Lego, foam on a table, a table with sand and toys set out for the children. Girl A speaks Bengali at the moment learning to speak English. But she said whistle in Bengali as she was pouring sand through a windmill toy. Girl B described the foam as â€Å"sticky†as she was touching the foam. Girl A said â€Å"let’s play with water! †, again she said that in Bengali. So I helped her and translated in Bengali for her to repeat after me and say, â€Å"Let’s†¦ play†¦ with†¦ water! †She attempted and said, â€Å"play†¦ with†¦ water! †I then praised her and said, â€Å"Well done! †While Girl A, B, C D where playing with fishes in the water bath they were seeing who catches how many fishes. So I instructed them to take turns and count how many they caught in their nets. After play I assisted Girl B to wash her hands making sure the water was not to hot and that she rinsed all the foam off her hands. Then I instructed her to dry her hands with the towel. At morning play, I was with a group of children. I pointed out to them as we were admiring the sun that the clouds where moving. So I instructed them to steady their eyes on the clouds and watch how slowly the clouds move. After break was numeracy time. The children where divided in three groups in different areas f the class room. One of the teachers had to go to the loo so she left me with her group and instructed me to sing â€Å"five little ducks†with them which they enjoyed as I exaggerated my hand gestures. After the teacher came back she did a sharing and counting activity using bears/animals a container. Boy A understands more about equableness than the other children in his group. After group activity children had phonics time with the whole class just before lunch. They where sounding out the first letter of their names. E. g. â€Å"T†¦ T†¦ Tahmina†and then deciding whether it was a bouncy or stretchy sound. â€Å"T†¦ T†¦ is a bouncy sound†During phonics another teacher called me over and instructed me to set the construction play table outside ready for lunch play. So I chose a box full of Interstars and tipped the lot on the table outside in the nursery playground. Then Miss put out costumes in a corner for the children to express themselves as different characters. I believe this is a great way to build their confidence. Before lunch I supervised children to wash there hands and dry them. Also I was mopping the floor regularly for the children’s safety in case they slipped because water was being sprinkled on the floor. At the lunch hall, I asked the children what they would like to eat giving them a choice of, tuna rap or chicken. Then I gave the children a slice of bread and some salad, bearing in mind there was a child allergic to bread on my table. As well as working 1:1 with Girl A helping her eat cause she was getting bored I also helped other children cut their chicken into small pieces making it easy for them to eat and pick up. During lunch play I was instructed by the teacher to water the plants with the children which I very much enjoyed with the children as they enjoyed the activity to. I didn’t experience any difficulties during that particular activity, but if there were any concerns or problems I would have asked any of the teachers for advice and support. How to cite Daily Dairy, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Spirit Of The Game Essay Research Paper free essay sample
Spirit Of The Game Essay, Research Paper The Spirit of the Game This was one of the most inspiring books I have of all time read. It spoke about periods of clip throughout the evolving of one of Americas most intense and loved games. The book was split up into two big subdivisions and so divided into chapters inside the subdivisions. The first subdivision was called The Spirit. The first chapter of this subdivision deals with the early phases of development in the game. From the get downing hockey was known as a athletics of unity, grit, difficult work all assorted in with a small category. Some of the most influential hockey participants of all clip such as Dan Bain, Goaltender for the 1899-1900 Winnipeg Victorias represented all these things that represent what hockey is all about. The following chapter in the subdivision is called Team Game. This chapter in my sentiment negotiations about the most of import portion of the game, which is teamwork. We will write a custom essay sample on Spirit Of The Game Essay Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the beginning hockey did non hold all the separately gifted participants of today, it was all about the squad. The 1932 Detroit Falcons, which would shortly be, renamed the Red Wings were a premier illustration of a 1920-1950s-hockey squad. Not one participant on the squad tried to set their ain single statistics before the squad, no affair how good they were. With this intense squad playing manner they won the Stanley cup the undermentioned season. The following and concluding chapter in subdivision 1 was Behind the Bench. The most significant function is non being played on the ice, but behind the bench by the managers. The managers in any athletics set the tone and temper of their squad. During the game the manager is likely ranked higher than the participants mother in the authorization class. This gives the manager about limitless power. Coaches become really near to their participants and larn ways to acquire them to execute separately every bit good as a squad participant. Coaches become as involved in the game as the participants. Some managers su ch as Al Arbur hold merely had a bent for traveling to a ill ranked squad and turning them into playoff rivals. The presence of a good manager is felt all over the ice and can act upon things such as the ref? s determination devising, every bit good as the participant? s public presentation. The 2nd subdivision in the book is called The Game. This subdivision is a chronology of the greatest participants of each decennary from 1930s-1990s. In the 1930s were queerly dominated by four participants on the same squad, Charlie Conacher, Murray Armstrong, Buzz Bowl, and Busher Jackson of the Toronto Maple Leafs who brang place 3 Stanley cups together.In the 1940s the hockey universe was mesmerized be the presence of Ted Kennedy.The 1950-1960s were dominated by the Red Wings Team.The 1960s in the NHL were full of bangs with the aid of Gordie Howe.The 1970s were Bobby Hull? s years.The 1980s were filled with a barrage of participants whom non one triumphed over another.The 1990s was the twelvemonth of the two greatest participants of all clip Mario Lemiux and Wayne Gretzky.I loved this book and learned a batch about the heritage of the game although I read it in a short period of time.The most exciting part of the book was the chronology that went through clip and allowed me to see hockey transforming.The least exciting portion of the book to me was the Behind the Bench chapter because I was non truly interested in the trainin g portion of the game.The words I learned were: Plumed, emanation, Heinous, Dabble, and tycoon.One new thought learned was the fact that coaches played a bigger portion in a participant? s calling than I thought.One Idea which I already knew was that with spirit you would neer succeed.The writer had a really apparent manner, but I think it fitted this type of work so I didn? T head it.One symbol I saw was the Stanley cup, which represents triumph. And the one subject I saw was Hard Work, because every one in that field is working hard all the clip.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Science & technology in Jamaica essays
Science & technology in Jamaica essays Since the Industrial Revolution, science and technology (S When we talk about science we are referring to, in broadest terms, systematized knowledge in any field. There are different branches of science, each established to support and satisfy its own area. Technology now, refers to the processes by which human beings fashion tools, machines and systems to increase their control of the material environment. Technology often emerges out of everyday activities rather than from science. However in the past century, technology has become more science based. Just like science, technology has different branches or aspects that need to be assessed if we are to properly evaluate Jamaicas position. Technics, production technology, consumption technology, organizational technology, technological capability and social structure are the categories into which technology is divided. Technics refers to the physical products and systems of human making. Production technology refers to the materials, equipment, processes and activities associated wi th technology. Consumption technology is the methods, products, systems and activities through which we satisfy our needs. Organizational technology is the organization or social relations of production associated with particular production and consumption technologies. The skills, knowledge and experience of local personnel, organized in institutions which effectively deploy their work, and backed by adequate material resources and support services is seen as technological capability. Lastly social structure is the total effect of technology on material and social...
Monday, March 2, 2020
Noël Nouvelet French Christmas Carol
Noà «l Nouvelet French Christmas Carol Noà «l Nouvelet is a traditional French Christmas and New Years carol. The song was long ago translated into English as Sing We Now of Christmas, though the lyrics are somewhat different. The translation given here is the literal translation of the original French Christmas carol. Lyrics and Translation Noà «l Nouvelet Noà «l nouvelet, Noà «l chantons ici,Dà ©votes gens, crions Dieu merci !New Christmas, Christmas we sing here,Devout people, let us shout our thanks to God!Chorus : Chantons Noà «l pour le Roi nouvelet ! (bis)Noà «l nouvelet, Noà «l chantons ici !Chorus:Let us sing Christmas for the new King! (repeat)New Christmas, Christmas we sing here.Lange disait! pasteurs partez dici!En Bethlà ©em trouverez langelet.ChorusThe angel said! Shepherds leave this place!In Bethlehem youll find the little angel.ChorusEn Bethlà ©em, à ©tant tous rà ©unis,Trouvà ¨rent lenfant, Joseph, Marie aussi.ChorusIn Bethlehem, all united,Were found the child, Joseph, and Mary too.ChorusBientà ´t, les Rois, par là ©toile à ©claircis,A Bethlà ©em vinrent une matinà ©e.ChorusSoon, the Kings, by the bright starTo Bethlehem came one morning.ChorusLun partait lor; lautre lencens bem;Là ©table alors au Paradis semblait.ChorusOne brought gold, the other priceless incense;The stable thus seemed like Heaven.Chorus Noà «l Nouvelet History and Meaning This traditional French carol dates from the late 15th century and the early 16th century. The word nouvelet has the same root as Noà «l, both stemming from the word for news and newness. Some sources say it was a New Years song. But others point out that the lyrics all speak of the news of the birth of the Christ child in Bethlehem, the announcement by angels to the shepherds in the fields, looking forward to the visit of the Three Kings and the presentation of their gifts to the Holy Family. Everything points to a Christmas carol rather than celebrating the New Year. This carol celebrates all of the figures in the crà ¨che, the handmade nativity scenes found throughout France, where they are part of the Christmas celebration in homes and in town squares. This song would be sung by families at home and at community gatherings rather than as part of the liturgy in Roman Catholic churches at the time it was written. There are many versions found from those early centuries. It was printed in the 1721 Grande Bible des noà «ls, taunt vieux que nouveaus. Translations into English and variations in French would all be colored by the denominational differences between Christian faiths and doctrines. The song is in a minor key, in Dorian mode. It shares its first five notes with the hymn, Ave, Maris Stella Lucens Miseris. The tune is used in, of course, the English version, Sing We Now of Christmas. But it is also repurposed for the Easter hymn, Now the Green Blade Rises, written in 1928 by John Macleod Cambell Crum. It is used for several translations into English of a hymn based on the writings of Thomas Aquinas, Adoro Te Devote, A Meditation on the Blessed Sacrament. The carol remains popular both in French and in its English variations.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
PA Mod 2 New Homeland Security Challenges Assignment
PA Mod 2 New Homeland Security Challenges - Assignment Example For example, following the rail system bombings in both London and Madrid, a number of suspected terrorists were arrested in Florida, Britain and Canada with the help of the cooperation between the locals and law enforcement agencies. Consequently, this is a likely indication that such campaigns are important in the achievement of the goals of community policing because they may provide key information that can be used to identify suspects and prevent terrorist attacks (McGarrell et al. 142). At a time when asymmetric terrorism is increasingly posing the greatest threat to our homeland security, such campaigns as used in the Dearborn case also help in the achievement of community policing goals because they encourage community members to voluntarily provide information that may lead to the prevention of crime and terrorist activities, and the improvement of public security. According to the current homeland security policies, emergency responses to terrorist attacks should be based on an interrogated approach between law enforcers, DoD, FEMA as well as other emergency response agencies based on intelligence gathering. Yes. Although both community policing and zero tolerance policing are all designed to help fight against crime and criminal activities, zero tolerance policing often works against the goals of community policing particularly with regard to the efforts of logical crime prevention. For example, most citizens and members of the communities generally view the street sweeps aimed at enhancing zero tolerance policing to be biased, brutal and militaristic. In this regard, zero tolerance policing may actually discourage community members from actively participating in community crime prevention initiatives that involve cooperating with the police. Zero tolerance was supposedly initiated to help crack down low level crimes such as scribbling graffiti, loitering and other related
Sunday, February 2, 2020
What are the challenges in applicability of administrative law Essay - 1
What are the challenges in applicability of administrative law - Essay Example The dynamic of the collective action at the administrative level is characterized by the existence of the multiplicity of actors. The interactions among competing and opposing actors are the origin of the conflicts played in the administrative law. Some of the origins of such conflicts are: competition among political actors to assume control of the public administration; the emergency of principals of public administration at a supranational level. (The administration is required to implement these global or macro regional policies in a coherent way. In some situation, this can create conflict with elected bodies at state level) among many others. Three kinds of conflict originate from these interactions: political, institutional and economic. Political conflicts: Public administrations serve different political interests. Although they structurally, depend on the executive, they also have to implement acts and statures approved by the parliament. Administrative conflicts arise in situations where the executive and legislatures branches have different political vision and compete to make them prevail in the course of administrative action Institutional conflict: the second source of administrative law conflicts is institutional. This arises where national administration is also required to implement global, macro regional or international, rule and policies. This kind of conflict is common in the multilevel system in government. Although most of the public policies is macro region, their implementation is still national. This is the reason why most of the international authorities try to regulate both organizational and procedural mechanism through which national administration must execute those policies and rules. This is always done in order to ensure coherence and avoid any drift due to pressure from local interest (Joel
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Alzheimer’s Disease and the Symptoms Essay -- memory, behavior, health,
In 1906 Aloysius Alzheimer was a German psychiatrist and neuropathologist who was credited for identifying the very first diagnosed case of â€Å"pre senile dementia†later to be known as Alzheimer’s disease. One hundred and seven years later we are still not completely sure of the causes of this disease and why only certain people get it. There are nearly eight million people in the world with Alzheimer's disease and it’s an advancing and irreversible disease that destroys memory and other important mental functions along with behavior. It can result in loss of intellectual and social skills and it can get to the point where it interferes greatly with day to day activities making daily tasks extremely difficult or nearly impossible. Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States and people with this disease tend to live and average of about eight years after their symptoms become really noticeable to others around them, however, people can survive about four to twenty years with this disease depending on their age and health conditions. Symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease will gradually worsen of a period of months to years and the progression of the disease varies from person to person. Early detection of the disease plays a key role in the management and care of the patient with this horrible disease. In the beginning stages forgetfulness and mild disorientation may be the only things you notice. Over a period of time the disease progressively worsens and you will notice more and more memory loss with both short term and long term memory, confusion of dates and times (among other things), and the person having a difficult time organizing their thoughts. Memory†¦ It is normal to misplac... ...s: Regulatory perspectives and requirements. Retrieved December 5, Psychiatry, D. o. (n.d.). Result Filters. National Center for Biotechnology Information. Retrieved December 5, 2013, from, from Research and Markets: Global Alzheimer Disease Report 2013 (Updated): New Drugs, Markets and Companies. (n.d.). Research and Markets: Global Alzheimer Disease Report 2013 (Updated): New Drugs, Markets and Companies. Retrieved December 5, 2013, from Shiel Jr. MD, FACP, FACR, W. C. (n.d.). Alzheimer's Disease Causes, Symptoms, Stages, Signs, Treatment, Dementia, Medications - MedicineNet. MedicineNet. Retrieved December 4, 2013, from
Friday, January 17, 2020
Digital Fortress Chapter 26
Sitting on the bench across from the public clinic, Becker wondered what he was supposed to do now. His calls to the escort agencies had turned up nothing. The commander, uneasy about communication over unsecured public phones, had asked David not to call again until he had the ring. Becker considered going to the local police for help-maybe they had a record of a red-headed hooker-but Strathmore had given strict orders about that too. You are invisible. No one is to know this ring exists. Becker wondered if he was supposed to wander the drugged-out district of Triana in search of this mystery woman. Or maybe he was supposed to check all the restaurants for an obese German. Everything seemed like a waste of time. Strathmore's words kept coming back: It's a matter of national security†¦ you must find that ring. A voice in the back of Becker's head told him he'd missed something-something crucial-but for the life of him, he couldn't think what it would be. I'm a teacher, not a damned secret agent! He was beginning to wonder why Strathmore hadn't sent a professional. Becker stood up and walked aimlessly down Calle Delicias pondering his options. The cobblestone sidewalk blurred beneath his gaze. Night was falling fast. Dewdrop. There was something about that absurd name that nagged at the back of his mind. Dewdrop. The slick voice of Senor Roldan at Escortes Belen was on endless loop in his head. â€Å"We only have two redheads†¦ Two redheads, Inmaculada and Rocio†¦ Rocio†¦ Rocio†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Becker stopped short. He suddenly knew. And I call myself a language specialist? He couldn't believe he'd missed it. Rocio was one of the most popular girl's names in Spain. It carried all the right implications for a young Catholic girl-purity, virginity, natural beauty. The connotations of purity all stemmed from the name's literal meaning-Drop of Dew! The old Canadian's voice rang in Becker's ears. Dewdrop. Rocio had translated her name to the only language she and her client had in common-English. Excited, Becker hurried off to find a phone. Across the street, a man in wire-rim glasses followed just out of sight.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Challenges Faced By The Management Of A Business - 1877 Words
â€Å"Managerial economics applies the principals and methods of economics to analyze problems faced by the management of a business, or other types of organizations and to help and to help find solutions that advance the best interests of such organizations.†(Managerial Economics, 2015). In order to apply the principals and methods of economics to business it is important to first understand general economic principles and macroeconomic indicators. These indicators help managers to understand how the economy is performing and what the trends are here in the U.S. and across the world. An article titled â€Å"Kiplinger’s Economic Outlook†presents a current look at general economic principles and economic indicators. The article offers a look at last year (2014) and uses the indicators to anticipate the economic performance for the U.S. in 2015 taking into account the political setting, legal issues, global economic pressures, and even climate change. The a rticle discusses Gross Domestic Product (GDP), employment, Consumer Price Index (CPI), inflation and interest rates, Balance of Payments (BoP), and. major macroeconomic indicators for the U.S economy. The article also discusses economic principles including money, inflation, trade, supply and demand, and economic growth and how these will affect the economy in 2015. This article will allow the reader to enhance his or her understanding of macroeconomic indices, get an explanation of these indices using economic principles,Show MoreRelatedRisk Management And Regulation Challenges Faced By Businesses1204 Words  | 5 Pagesliteratures have derived theories to explain and measure the risk management and regulation challenges faced by businesses in their operations. According to Cox (2007), businesses are affected by diverse risks both in their internal and external environment. Among them include financial and marketing risks, violence crises, and natural disasters. 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